The Republic of your home
The independent Republic of your Home is the brand concept for IKEA in Spain. And this is the outdoor campaign we ran to launch it. This concept is still one of the most remarkable and most talked about in the country.
Welcome to the Independent
Republic of your Home
Client: Ikea
The independent Republic of your Home is the brand concept for IKEA in Spain, as well as a huge part of the global brand strategy.
To launch the new brand concept we simply covered the country with loads of messages of the many things people do at home. We intentionally hired stencil artists for the visuals, hoping for the people to start coming up with their owns. And they did!
We also commercialized the mat with the brand message "Welcome to the Independent Republic of my House". Still is the top selling welcome matt in IKEA. People not only loves the campaign, but makes their doors the greatest channel for IKEA. It not only costs nothing, but even generates a good profit. Best Media results ever. How cool is that?
Art Direction
Silver Lion at Cannes. Bronze Lion at Cannes. Silver CDEC Award. Gold at El Sol Festival. Silver at El Sol Festival.